First steps#


Very important is also that you report not working features from your school or errors. This is necessary to support everyone. More info at Git / Bug Tracker / Source and Bug reporting.


Required is Python 3.11 (older versions will probably work too).

You can install it with:

pip install lanisapi

Better print()#

If you want a better formatted print() with colors install:

pip install rich

To replace the normal print() import it like this:

from rich import print

Example code#

from lanisapi import LanisClient, LanisAccount, LanisCookie, School

def main():
    client = LanisClient(LanisAccount("school id", "name.lastname", "password"))
        or: client = LanisClient(LanisAccount(School("school", "city"), "name.lastname", "password"))
        or: client = LanisClient(LanisCookie("school id", "session id")) # Use client.authentication_cookies in the previous session

if __name__ == "__main__":
  1. First you initialise the LanisClient class with the LanisAccount dataclass. You can find the school id in the url at ?=i in

  2. Or you initalise it with School(school, city).

  3. Or if you already initialised before you can use the previous session and provide LanisCookie with LanisClient.authentication_cookies.

  4. Then you log in with authenticate().

  5. Then we print the current substitution plan.

  6. Then we close the client. You need to do this.